In the previous example, the Hash Aggregate operator calls the Open() method once, GetRow() multiple times and Close() once on the Index Scan operator. Candidate plans are stored in memory during the optimization, in a component called the Memo. Query optimization is an inherently complex problem, not only in SQL Server but in any other relational database system. The join order as expressed in the query is (Person.Contact JOIN Sales.Individual) JOIN Sales.Customer. …Which will display a link starting with the following text: Listing 3 – The result of running Listing 2. Note that when you run any of these statements using the ON clause, it will apply to all subsequent statements until the option is manually set to OFF again. The tool, which is also known as T-SQL Query Profiler, is built into the Standard, Profesional, and Enterprise versions of dbForge Studio for SQL server which are priced at $249.95, $499.95, and $699.95, respectively. It can also give you automatically generated tuning recommendations with the SQL query tuning wizard. As you may know, the tool—which was first launched first launched with Microsoft SQL Server 2005—is used for configuring, managing, and administering all components within Microsoft SQL Server. The DTA’s primary purpose is analyzing databases and giving recommendations. Ben Nevarez explains the essentials, in a broad sweep through a complex subject, in an article taken from his new book 'Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer'. The query optimizer determines the most efficient way to execute a SQL statement after considering many factors related to the objects referenced and the conditions specified in the query. However, when an actual plan is requested, the query needs to be executed, and the plan is then displayed along with the query results. The tool, which is also great for troubleshooting features an easy to use interface that will assist you in finding issues quickly and easily. In fact, since this is an offline tool that has no connection to your database, it could, theoretically, optimize and SQL query but it will do a better job if it knows what type of database engine will process the optimized query. Since a cost-based optimizer selects the execution plan with the lowest cost, the quality of the plan selection is only as good as the accuracy of the optimizer’s cost and cardinality estimations. You have a choice of a free plan which gives you one free query optimization per day for 30 days. A typical query optimizer will generate one or more query plans for each query, each of which is a mechanism used to run the query. While some SQL query optimization tools are simpler helper applications that require much human assistance, the best systems do most of their work in the background. Learn how to optimize queries by modifying SQL. SQL Server Query Engine 101. After the operator performs some function on the records it has read, the results are output to its parent. { MERGE | HASH | CONCAT } UNIONSpecifies that all UNION operations are run by merging, hashing, or concatenating UNION sets. The query optimizer (called simply the optimizer) is built-in database software that determines the most efficient method for a SQL statement to access requested data. There are more features to this free tool than we have time to present them. If we run the … OptimizSQL is an online SQL query optimizer for developers and database administrators. And you can see the cost difference by toggling the view between Estimated and Actual. This defines the order in which the tables are joined. Some SQL query optimization tools are able to analyze and optimize cloud-hosted databases such as Microsoft SQL Azure or AWS RDS. The query optimizer in SQL Server faces the same challenge as any relational query optimizer: It needs to find a good execution plan in the face of many options in a very short span of time. At the core of the SQL Server Database Engine are two major components: the Storage Engine and the Query Processor, also called the Relational Engine. The sys.dm_exec_requests dynamic management view (DMV), which returns information about each request currently executing, is used to obtain the plan_handle value, which is needed to find the execution plan using the sys.dm_exec_query_plan DMF. This might not seem significant, but if you compare the cost of each query, via the Query cost (relative to the batch) information at the top of each plan, you will see that there might be a price to pay for overruling the Query Optimizer, as it has found the hinted query to be more expensive. They are smaller tools, each addressing a specific task of network administrators. Basically, in this instance, the Index Scan operator is reading all 19,614 rows from an index, and the Hash Aggregate is processing these rows to obtain the list of distinct cities, of which there are 575, which will be displayed in the Results window in Management Studio. Verify the performance of existing and alternative SQL queries against the database via load testing. Obviously, there are many more operators implemented in the execution engine, and all of them are documented in Books Online if you’re curious about them. Parsing and binding are the first operations performed when a query is submitted to a SQL Server instance. The performance (i.e. In a Nested Loops join, for example, the first accessed table is called the outer table and the second one the inner table. = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120. But when complementing it with the SQL query tuner, what you get is one of the best SQL query optimization tools. Different tools offer different features, as you’re about to see. According to Microsoft’s official documentation, the tool can help you troubleshoot the performance of a specific problem query, tune a large set of queries across one or more databases, perform an exploratory what-if analysis of potential physical design changes, and manage storage space. dbForge Studio for SQL server includes the SQL Query Plan Tool, a dedicated query optimization tool. We wouldn’t want to have you waste time on products that won’t do what they should. However, recent versions of Books Online, including that of SQL Server 2008 R2, indicates that all text versions of execution plans will be deprecated in a future version of SQL Server. It is one of the best SQL query analysis and optimization tools. The tool works by measuring the query execution time of the various versions of the query (query plans) and picking the one that executes the fastest. Should you want to give the product a test run before purchasing it, a fully functional 14-day trial version is available. Some of SolarWinds’ fame also comes from the many free tools it offers. SQL & Query Optimization Tools: Take Your Database to the Next Level Writing solid SQL code takes time, but the right SQL & query optimization tools can help you to work much more efficiently. Benjamin Nevarez is a SQL Server MVP and independent consultant based in Los Angeles, California who specializes in SQL Server query tuning and optimization. Its second job is to execute the query according to that plan. Therefore the relative cost of the second query is 5.3462/(3.2405 + 5.3462)*100 = 62%. To clarify this challenge, let’s first clarify the terminology. For more information about the sys.dm_exec_requests DMV and the sys.dm_exec_query_plan DMF, you should go to Books Online. For example, the costing model assumes that every query starts with a cold cache; that is, its data is read from disk and not from memory, and this assumption could lead to costing estimation errors in some cases. It will monitor an entire data source within a configurable span of time with continuous profiling. Yet despite being an enormous influence in the field of query optimization research, it suffered a major drawback: its framework could not be easily extended to include additional transformations. Table 1 – Statements for displaying query plans. The first query will show a cost of 3.2405 and the second one will show 5.3462. This leads us to another major technical challenge for the Query Optimizer: accurate cost and cardinality estimation. Figure 8 – Execution plan for query joining 3 tables. The result set returned is, of course, exactly the same in each case, but the execution plan for the FORCE ORDER query (shown in Figure 9), indicates that the Query Optimizer followed the prescribed join order, and this time chose a Hash Match join operator for the first join. Simple right-click anywhere on the execution plan window to display a pop-up window, as shown in Figure 6, and select Show Execution Plan XML…; this will open the XML editor and display the XML plan as shown in Figure 7. We’re about to review some of the best tools we’ve found. In fact, with just a handful of tables the number of possible join orders could be numbered in the thousands or even millions, although the exact number of possible join orders depends on the overall shape of the query tree. Table 2 shows how the number of possible join orders increases as we increase the number of tables, for both left-deep and bushy trees, and I’ll explain how it’s calculated in a moment. It is essentially playing a game of chess and evaluating move after move. The SQL Diagnostic Manager is one of the top database monitoring tools available. The tool’s Wait Stats tab lets you easily detect potential bottlenecks in your query by displaying a list of events and waits associated with them. For example, the cost of the Index Scan is 52% of the cost of the entire plan. Since SQL is a high-level declarative language, it only defines what data to get from the database, not the steps required to retrieve that data, or any of the algorithms for processing the request. Indexes and constraints on tables and views are displayed with table statistics, and the joins used in a SQL statement (such as Cartesian joins, implied Cartesian joins, and many-to-many relationships) with the diagrams. It does this by translating the original logical operations into the physical operations that the execution engine is capable of performing, and execution plans show both the logical and physical operations. Simply put, SQL query optimization is the act of analyzing SQL queries and determining the most efficient execution mechanism. Alternatively, a high query … In order to explore the search space, the Query Optimizer uses transformation rules and heuristics. It features color-coded index analysis of used, not used, and missing indexes with recommendations for optimum performance. It analyzes a number of candidate execution plans for a given query, estimates the cost of each of these plans and selects the plan with the lowest cost of the choices considered. This tool is used by database administrators to get query tuning recommendations and the best indexing suggestions. Searching, or enumerating candidate plans is just one part of the optimization process. It is important to pick a tool which can support all the engines you’re using. Table 2 – Possible join orders for left-deep and bushy trees. Next, you have the Basic plan at $29/month which includes 10 monthly optimizations and the Plus plan at $135/month with 30 optimizations per month and live chat support. In such a situation, the query optimizer could decide to use a query plan that uses the table indexes to satisfy the query, based on limited resources. Thus, the end product of the query optimization process is an execution plan: a tree consisting of a number of physical operators, which contain the algorithms to be performed by the execution engine in order to obtain the desired results from the database. SQL query optimization is being applied in order to minimize the possibility of your query being the system bottleneck. Even when an execution plan is available in the plan cache, some metadata changes, such as removing an index or a constraint, or significant enough changes made to the contents of the database, may render an existing plan invalid or suboptimal, and thus cause it to be discarded from the plan cache and a new optimization to be generated. As i have explained in my previous article of Optimizer that Oracle uses cost based optimizer. The Query Processor, as the name suggests, accepts all queries submitted to SQL Server, devises a plan for their optimal execution, and then executes Hints are instructions that you can send to the Query Optimizer to influence a particular area of an execution plan. A join combines records from two tables based on some common information, and the predicate which defines which columns are used to join the tables is called a join predicate. You can request either an actual or an estimated execution plan for a given query, and either of these two types can be displayed as a graphic, text or XML plan. { HASH | ORDER } GROUPSpecifies that aggregations that the query's GROUP BY or DISTINCT clause describes should use hashing or ordering. While this is interesting, what’s most relevant for you and me is that SQL Server implemented its own cost-based Query Optimizer based on the Cascades Framework in 1999, when its database engine was re-architected for the release of SQL Server 7.0. OptimizSQL will automatically optimize Oracle, SQL Serrver, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Servers queries and recommend the optimal indexes to boost your query and database performance. There are some important steps to use or create index. The Optimizer determines the most efficient execution plan for each SQL statement based on the structure of the query, the available statistical information about the underlying objects, and all the relevant optimizer and execution features. The Structured Query Language has become the most used query language and it is supported by most modern relational database management systems. What you may not know is that one of SSMS’s tools, the SQL Server Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA) can be used for SQL query optimization. Understand how indexes work and when to apply them. Since we want everyone to be on the same page as we review the best products, we’ll start off by discussing the what and the shy of SQL query optimization. One of these earliest works describing a cost-based query optimizer was “Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System”, published in 1979 by Pat Selinger et al to describe the query optimizer for an experimental database management system developed in 1975 at what is now the IBM Almaden Research Center. This allows the performance of the Query Optimizer to constant be tuned and improved. The task of the Query Optimizer is to find the optimal sequence of joins between the tables used in the query. It is not a single tool or technique. If a valid plan is available in the plan cache, then the optimization process can be skipped and the associated cost of this step, in terms of optimization time, CPU resources, and so on, can be avoided. EverSQL can optimize queries in database systems such as MySQL, MariaDB, and PerconaDB. Query Optimizations; What is a Query Plan . Listing 8 – Forcing a specific join order. In essence, query optimization is the process of mapping the logical query operations expressed in the tree representation to physical operations, which can be carried out by the execution engine. Figure 4 – Tooltip for the Index Scan operator. It might not be the most user-friendly tool out there but, given its price, it might be worth looking at. Figure 5 – Properties Window for the Query. A typical query optimizer … This article starts with an overview on how the SQL Server Query Optimizer works and introduces the concepts that I cover in more detail in my book. Note that most tools supporting cloud databases will also support on-premises ones. It is a set of practices that makes use of a wide array of techniques, tools, and processes. This cost estimation depends mostly on the algorithm used by the physical operator, as well as the estimated number of records that will need to be processed; this estimate of the number of records is known as the cardinality estimation. An execution plan is, in essence, a set of physical operations (an index seek, a nested loop join, and so on), that can be performed to produce the required result, as described by the logical tree; Cost-assessment of each plan – While the Query Optimizer does not generate every possible execution plan, it assesses the resource and time cost of each plan it does generate. Configure SQL queries to run multiple times in parallel and to observe how they respond to simulated production environments without the risk of actually testing in production. { LOOP | MERGE | HASH } JOINSpecifies all join operations are performed by LOOP JOIN, MERGE JOIN, or H… Using this tool, you can tune poorly performing SQL queries for SQL Server from an intuitive interface. A factorial is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n; so, for example, for a 5-table join, the number of possible join orders is 5! This is a free tool from Microsoft which you can use for managing not only SQL Server but also Azure SQL Database. The number of left-deep trees is calculated as n!, or n factorial, where n is the number of tables in the relation. This article has covered a lot of ground in a relatively short space, but by now you should have an understanding (or at least an appreciation) of the concepts that are tackled in the book. As we will see, correctly defining which table will be the inner and outer table in a Nested Loops join, or the build input or probe input in a Hash join is important to get right, as it has significant performance and cost implications, and it is a choice made by the Query Optimizer. Alternatively, some statements, like altering a database with certain ALTER DATABASE options will clear all the plans associated with that particular database. You can load this file again, by selecting File > Open in Management Studio, in order to immediately display it as a graphical plan, which will behave exactly as before. Once the query is optimized, the resulting plan is used by the Execution Engine to retrieve the desired data. The SQL Query Tuner is an add-on to the SQL Diagnostic Manager. The time has finally come to reveal—and review—the best SQL query optimization tools and software we could find. Click Include Actual Execution Plan and execute the query. The use of proper indexing is first step to optimise the query. This should help you appreciate the importance of a query optimizer. While query cost is a useful metric to understand how SQL Server has optimized a particular query, it is important to remember that its primary purpose is to aid the query optimizer in choosing good execution plans. This section contains the following topics: Purpose of the Query Optimizer It is the process of re-writing SQL statements differently with the goal of improving the performance of the query while still getting the same resulting data set. The language defines how queries can be formed to extract from a database the precise data which is required. So how does the Query Optimizer analyze all these possible plan combinations? So, for example, choosing the SELECT icon and selecting the Properties Window from the View menu (or pressing F4) will show some properties for the entire query, as shown in Figure 5. We’ve also looked at the complexity of the optimization process, including the challenges it faces in exploring the potentially vast search space and accurately estimating cardinality and the cost of candidate execution plans. On top of this, the Query Optimizer also has to evaluate a number of possible physical join operators, data access methods (e.g. This code will actually display two results sets, the first one returning the text of the T-SQL statement. You need to download the family of sample databases for your version, either SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2. The job of the Query Optimizer is to create and assess as many candidate execution plans as possible, within certain criteria, in order to arrive at the best possible plan. Its Execution plan diagram feature feature helps visualize and tune query execution plan by pinpointing the slow-executing nodes. The best way to keep track of what's happening with your queries is to analyse the execution plan produced by the optimizer. A plan_handle is a hash value which represents a specific execution plan, and it is guaranteed to be unique in the system: Listing 6 – Displaying the execution plans for currently-running queries. For example, Figure 4 shows information about the Index Scan operator; notice that it includes, among other things, data on estimated costing information like the estimated I/O, CPU, operator and subtree costs. If more than one UNION hint is specified, the query optimizer selects the least expensive strategy from those hints specified. Different tree representations of the query will be used throughout the optimization process, and this logical tree will receive different names until it is finally used to initialize the Memo structure, as will be discussed later. To perform their job, physical operators implement at least the following three methods: Open(), which causes an operator to be initialized, GetRow() to request a row from the operator, and Close() to shut down the operator once it’s performed its role. SQL Query Optimization Technique is the process of ensuring that the SQL statements will run in the fastest possible time. To maintain end-user satisfaction, it is critical to optimize the performance of the SQL queries that applications use to communicate with the underlying databases. As has already been mentioned, SQL Server uses a cost-based optimizer, and uses a cost estimation model to estimate the cost of each of the candidate plans. For example, you can use hints to direct the Query Optimizer to use a particular index or a specific join algorithm. Indeed, given that the Query Optimizer cannot consider every possible plan for every query, it actually has to do a cost-based balancing act, considering both the cost of finding potential plans and the costs of plans themselves. SQL developers and database administrators can use the GUI tool to speed up almost any complex database tasks such as designing databases, writing SQL code, comparing databases, synchronizing schemas and data, generating meaningful test data, among others. This is the trial plan. Figure 9 – Execution plan using the FORCE ORDER hint. A free 30-day trial of the whole product—not just the query optimization tool—is available. We’ll end  with a discussion of join ordering, one of the most complex problems in query optimization, and shows how joining tables in an efficient order improves the performance of a query but, at the same time, can exponentially increase the number of execution plans that should be analyzed by the Query Optimizer. Obviously, it is impossible for the Query Optimizer to look at all those combinations: it would take far too long. For example, in theory, if we had a 6-table join, a query optimizer would potentially need to evaluate 30,240 possible join orders. For example, the left-deep tree could be: Left-deep trees are also called linear trees or linear processing trees, and you can see how their shapes lead to that description. Yo may also use the tool’s plan tree to get information on how the SQL Server executes a SELECT statement. A join works with only two tables at a time, so a query requesting data from n tables must be executed as a sequence of n – 1 joins, but it should be noted that the first join does not have to been completed before the next join can be started. We’ve seen some of the challenges query optimizers still face today, but these imperfections are not for want of time or research. The Query Optimizer still needs to estimate the cost of these plans and select the least expensive one. Our first product is from SolarWinds, a company that has enjoyed an excellent reputation for making some of the best network and system management tools for most of it twenty-ish years of existence. He is the author of “SQL Server 2014 Query Tuning & Optimization” and “Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer” and co-author of “SQL Server 2012 Internals”. The Query Optimizer builds an execution plan choosing from these operators, which may read records from the database, like the Index Scan operator shown in the previous plan, or may read records from another operator, like the Hash Aggregate, which is reading records from the Index Scan operator. Two excellent examples of these tools are the Advanced Subnet Calculator and the Kiwi Syslog Server. It does, however, support most popular paid and free and open-source database engines including MSSQL, Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, and PerconaDB. The tool will verify SQL queries performance through load testing in simulated production environments. A few other free and useful online tools are also offered. For instance, it can monitor and measure query execution time and it will also provide some tuning advice although it tends to be related to the database configuration rather than the query code. The output will be a result set containing links similar to the one shown in Listing 1-3 and, same as explained before, clicking the link will show you the graphical execution plan. So it’s actually the functionality of the execution engine that is being implemented in the execution plans being created by the Query Optimizer, that is, the execution engine implements a certain number of different algorithms and it is from these algorithms that the Query Optimizer must choose, when formulating its execution plans. Devart’s dbForge Studio for SQL server is an all-in-one SQL server GUI tool which can be used for SQL Server management, administration, development, data reporting, analysis, optimization, and more. To estimate the cost of a plan, it estimates the cost of each physical operator in that plan using costing formulas that consider the use of resources such as I/O, CPU, and memory. Your email address will not be published. The SQL Server Query Optimizer is a cost-based optimizer. Now that we’ve got a foundation in the Query Optimizer and how it works its magic, it’s time to consider how we, as users, can interact with it. The number of possible join orders for a bushy tree is more complicated, and can be calculated as: The important point to remember here is that the number of possible join orders grows very quickly as the number of tables increase, as highlighted by Table 2. Query optimizers are sometimes built into database management systems but external, third-party tools are often thought to offer better performance results. On top of all that, there are some operations which are not covered by the mathematical model of the cardinality estimation component, which has to resort to guess logic or heuristics to deal with these situations. An effect known as combinatorial explosion makes this exhaustive enumeration impossible, as the number of possible plans grows very rapidly depending on the number of tables joined in the query. To get indexing recommendations and to allow the tool to apply advanced query transformations, you can optionally upload you database’s schema structure. a.Create the proper indexes on columns in queries where following Clauses – Where Clause -Group By Clause – Order By Clause You are tuning a SQL Server query and you think that it will do better if you disable an optimizer rule. Copyright 1999 - 2020 Red Gate Software Ltd. Cloud support varies greatly from tool to tool. Most essential components related to performance are as displayed in the below pie chart, SQL Monitor helps you keep track of your SQL Server performance, and if something does go wrong it gives you the answers to find and fix problems fast. Although the results of the query are the same regardless of the join order, the access cost of each different join order can vary dramatically. Rather than exhaustively evaluate every single combination, the Query Optimizer tries to narrow the possibilities down to the most likely candidates, using heuristics (some of which we’ve already touched upon) to guide the process. Just to experiment, the query shown in Listing 8 shows the same query, but this time using the FORCE ORDER hint to instruct the Query Optimizer to join the tables in the exact order indicated in the query. Query optimizers are sometimes built into database management systems but external, third-party tools are often thought to offer better performance results. Query Plan's are the code that SQL runs on your database. The trailblazers in this field were the Exodus Extensible DBMS Project, and later the Volcano Optimizer generator, the latter of which was defined by Goetz Graefe (who was also involved in the Exodus Project) and William McKenna. The statistics analysis module shows you the impact of compiled and runtime query parameters on performance. 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