Pest search . It has the potential to become an unmanageable aquatic nuisance in waterways, where it can impede drainage, block access, and displace desirable native species. Dense, mat-forming perennial to 2-3 m. Rhizomes 2-3 cm diameter, to 5 m long, fibrous roots. Introduced and Invasive Species The word "weed" is not a botanical term that applies to any specific type of plants, but rather it is a cultural bias that can be applied to any plant that grows where it is not wanted. Common name starts with "A" African club moss. With over 2000 weeds in New Zealand, we do not cover all species, but you will find many of the weeds that commonly cause problems in our pastures, crops, lawns and gardens. Help us improve the DOC website on mobile in less than 5 min. Common Weeds of New Zealand - Useful books about New Zealand Weeds . There are also other weeds such as rush, liverwort, twincress and pearlwort that might be in the top 20 in certain situations. To identify a pest plant, enter the name of the plant. Common reed is a perennial reed grass 2–4 m tall with stiff, wide leaves and hollow stems. An Illustrated Guide to Common Weeds of New Zealand Third Edition. African oxygen weed is widespread throughout New Zealand and still spreading. Water hyacinth plants have a free-floating rosette of shiny rounded leaves with thick masses of feathery roots which hang in the water. Submerged, rootless freshwater perennial, which anchors in sediment by buried leaves and stems in depths of up to 10 m. Stems are generally around 1.5 m but can be as long as 6 m. They are brittle, and easily broken by wave action. Black beetle (Heteronychus arator) is a pest in the upper North Island, on light, free draining soils such as peat. Your web browser must have JavaScript enabled in order for this application to display correctly. Anything to do with invasive plant species in New Zealand. Common trees considered weeds include: wattles, willows, tree privet and wilding pines. A single flowering stalk with a cluster of mauve-blue flowers, each with a yellow spot, is produced from the rosette. Commonly called bedstraw, Cleavers (Galium aparine) is a common annual weed found in crops, gardens, hedgerows and waste places throughout New Zealand. SOME USEFUL BOOKS — COMMON WEEDS OF NEW ZEALAND Reproduced from Common Weeds of New Zealand by Ian Popay, Paul Champion & Trevor James ISBN 0 473 09760 5 by kind permission of the New Zealand Plant Protection Society. Order from Nationwide Book Distributors. It forms a dense mass of straplike leaves which can grow through the entire water column in standing or flowing waters, displacing native vegetation and impeding drainage. Distinguished from other oxygen weeds by conspicuous toothed leaves. Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai, Weeds in New Zealand has 900 members. This is the most common dock weed found around farmyards, in damp arable & pasture land, wasteland and gardens. Only a handful of invasive weed species have ever been successfully eradicated from NZ - once weeds get a foothold here, they are very expensive and difficult to get rid of. Occurs at the edges of fresh water or moderately saline, lakes, streams, wetlands. Weeds threaten the long-term survival of some native animals by changing or destroying their habitat, reducing the availability of food or breeding sites, or influencing the way native and introduced animals behave. cuspidata. Many invasive pest plants are species that have escaped from gardens and ‘gone wild’. Lagarosiphon can be distinguished from other oxygen weeds as its leaves have a distinctive downward curl. Jacobaea vulgaris, syn. E.g. Here are nine common lawn weeds that most homeowners eventually have to deal with. Or they can be unwanted plants that were accidentally introduced with other seeds or merely hitch-hiked a ride on clothes, livestock, or other baggage. With its scrambling growth habit, cleavers can compete and smother slow growing crops like fodder beet. Botanical Name: Cenchrus macrourus. In NZ they are weeds, but can be grown in some parts of the world for their edible leaves. Common Weeds of New ZealandIntroduced and Invasive Species. There are also other weeds such as privet, gorse, broom and ragwort that might be in the top … Unfortunately, weeds are often excellent at surviving and reproducing and are commonly the first plants to colonise and dominate. It forms extensive infestations in shallow waterways, where it can seriously restrict water flow, increase sedimentation, and aggravate flooding. Floating stem an axis, up to 30 cm (fragments readily), leaves 2 above and 1 root-like below water 20-30 cm. Biodiversity inventory and monitoring toolbox, Weeds that pose serious threats to New Zealand. Identification: Its leaves are lobed but vary widely in shape even among plants growing together. Photo / Supplied. Weedbusters and Ministry of Primary Industries have more information and images to identify the weeds. These include animal pests, weeds, didymo, and diseases like kauri dieback. With your help we can spot them and stop them before they get established. There are several species of clover that can cause problems in lawns including suckling clover and white clover. Gorse, one of New Zealand’s worst weeds, was originally brought from England for farm hedges. SENECIO. Infestations of this plant can also displace native plants in wetland areas. Publication or other use of images or descriptive text on these pages is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the photographer, authors, or publisher. Scroll down the page to see some of the introduced weeds that are common around New Zealand. These include common weeds, the Department of Conservation consolidated list of environmental weeds in New Zealand (Howell, 2008), the National Pest Plant Accord (NPPA) list of species banned from sale, distribution, and propagation in New Zealand, and Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP) species. Unlike many weeds, dandelion is a … Introduced Weeds | 3. It spreads rapidly by stout creeping rhizomes, and is capable of forming large, impenetrable stands along stream margins and in marshes and ditches. Botanical Name: Eragrostis curvula. Spur valerian. Appearance: This common lawn weed has a strong taproot; leaves are deeply notched. A free-floating fern, with 2 leaf types. Botanizing New Zealand1. Freshwater weeds degrade New Zealand's wetlands and waterways. Intro and Mangroves | 2. Clovers have creeping stems and distinctive leaves which are quite small and slightly notched at the tip. African oxygen weed Lagarosiphon major. Many common weeds are not invasive and pose no serious threat - they are simply a nuisance. I am sure star weed would be high in a top 20 on the list of worst amenity turf weeds in New Zealand, but they are not very often a weed in gardens. Appropriate acknowledgement of the original source or publication must always be given. African oxygen weed is widespread throughout New Zealand and still spreading. Leaves are up to 4 cm long and occur in whorls of 7-12. Scrolling down the page, for example, crocosmia is native to Africa, but widely planted as an ornamental. Biosecurity helps to prevent damage caused by unwanted organisms. It competes with and displaces native plants, and can also block dams and waterways. Our focus is not on common weeds, but on a small number of high risk weeds that are extremely invasive and damaging. Water hyacinth forms thick carpets over water surfaces and is a vigorously growing weed. Juvenile leaves well-spaced, small, lying on surface. Search Weeds. Weeds that are trees or shrubs overtop or replace other plants and alter the composition of native plant communities, often preventing native plant regeneration. New Zealand has it all. A common … Botanical Name: Olea europeaea subsp. Any of these plants, and most of the weeds in New Zealand, are easy to identify with my book Botany in a Day: The Patterns Method of Plant Identification. You're welcome to join this project if you want to help us learn more about these pest plants and their biology and impacts. RRP $59.99. The most common dock found in turf situations is “fiddle dock”. Hornwort has a very delicate appearance, with forked dark green leaves finely serrated down one side. Mexican water lily has underwater rhizomes, creeping stolons and floating leaves, often with dark brown flecks on the upper surface. Weeds can be plants that were intentionally introduced, but escaped cultivation to grow wild. In our full guide below, myhomeTURF offers lawn lovers a comprehensive guide that helps identify Common Lawn Weeds and gives guidance on prevention, control & best herbicides to use . Because of the thickly growing populations, this weed can disrupt water flow. It has a central stem (15-50 cm tall) carrying small white flowers and buds that are heartshaped. Like crabgrass, the dandelion is so common a lawn weed that most people need little weed-ID help to recognize it. Weed identification is an important step toward weed control. 4. External weed and plant search It arrived in North America from Europe and quickly established itself as a wildflower—and common lawn weed. It may form dense floating mats of vegetation up to 1 m tall which cover the water surface and smother other vegetation. Flowers are pale yellow and similar to other water lilies. May 4, 2016 - Explore Durfee Betts's board "Common Weeds" on Pinterest. Annual. Dandelion weeds: The final two beneficial weeds that make the list offer the benefit of edibility. Pull dandelion weeds by hand or use a postemergence … This project is a place to share your observations of old and new weeds in New Zealand. Alternatively, you can browse the complete list or by groups. COMMON WEEDS IN NEW ZEALAND B. E. V. Parham and A. J. Healy Photographs by J. Somers Cocks Common Weeds in New Zealand An illustrated guide to their identification bracken Pteridium aquilinum Kuhn var. Its recent discovery in Lake Waikaremoana is cause for concern and there is an eradication programme currently in place. Mature leaves are more common, crowded, compacted, folded about midrib, 1-4 x 1-5 cm, rounded, upper surfaces have many rows of water-repellent basket-like hairs. The leaves are very large and broad (up to 35 cm long and 15 … 26 Oct, 2020 08:53 PM 2 minutes to read. Botanical Name: Selaginella kraussiana. The plants described here pose the most serious threats. Clover flower heads are often visited by bees. Sagittaria is an emergent rhizomatous aquatic plant up to 80 cm tall, that can also produce submerged strap-like leaves. Clovers are extremely common weeds found in gardens throughout New Zealand. The word "weed" is not a botanical term that applies to any specific type of plants, but rather it is a cultural bias that can be applied to any plant that grows where it is not wanted. Grows in still or slow flowing fresh water such as dams, ponds, lakes, drains, swamps, wetlands. Weeds can be plants that were intentionally introduced, but escaped cultivation to grow wild. Many weeds were accidentally brought to New Zealand by early settlers, for example as seeds in bedding, hay or straw. Some selective herbicides will kill broadleaf weeds without harming surrounding grasses. Introduced Trees & Shrubs | 5. With its inherent stickiness the leaves, stems and seeds can cling to human clothing. There's now about as many wild introduced plants in New Zealand as natives, and some of these have become pests, or are starting to make trouble. Or they can be unwanted plants that were accidentally introduced … You can stop the spread of introduced aquatic plants and animals that compete with, attack or smother our native aquatic species. Lawn Weed Control Tip: Mulch to prevent dandelions in gardens. Clasped pondweed is a submerged, browny-coloured perennial herb with trailing, leafy stems. Egeria (an oxygen weed) is a bottom-rooted, submerged aquatic plant that forms dense beds of vegetation which may reach the water surface. Each page has information on how to identify the featured weed (with photos) as well as information about the weed and some suggestions on how best to control it. Alligator weed is a sprawling, rooted perennial herb that can grow in both dry terrestrial and aquatic conditions. Cultivated Flowers Some weeds are rather useless from a human perspective, while others have wonderful edible, medicinal, or utilitatarian properties. Flowerhead a 40-60 cm long panicle, purplish or red-brown, with many seeds, November to December. Common Weeds of New Zealand (Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3) Top of page. Some plants were brought because they were useful for cooking or as medicine, but became weeds when they escaped from gardens and smothered other plants. Yellow flowers mature to puffballs. Distinguished from other oxygen weeds by conspicuous three-petalled white flowers produced at the surface during summer. Weeds that seriously threaten New Zealand’s native species, ecosystems and conservation lands are old man's beard (Clematis vitalba), wild ginger (Hedychium gardnerianum and Hedychium flavescens), pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana and Cortaderia jubata) and contorta pine (Pinus contorta). Family: Poaceae (grass) More... African olive. NZ Herald. Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale and Teracacum erythrospermum) David Beaulieu The common dandelion is a member of the aster family. This popular and indispensable guide to the identification of weeds in New Zealand is now in its third edition. Native Flowers, Shrubs, & Trees, Botany in a Day: The Patterns Method of Plant Identification. Common Weeds of New Zealand. 01 of 09. BOTANICAL NAME: Senecio jacobaea: Common Name, Ragwort. Senecio belongs to the family Asteraceae. Identifying Pasture Weeds Shepherds purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Summary: Common throughout NZ. Podocarps & Araucarians | 6. White Clover (Trifolium repens) is a native of Europe and is common in pastures, roadsides, wasteland and lawns throughout New Zealand. Family: Selaginellaceae (club moss) More... African feather grass. It forms dense beds of vegetation that shade out smaller native species, and it can contribute to blockage and flooding. Some similar and related species to weeds are also included here. There are a number of species of senecio that are classed as weeds in Northland. Please send me an e-mail to report mistakes or to inquire about purchasing high resolution photos of these plants. Eelgrass is an attached, submerged aquatic plant. Fringed water lily is a bottom-rooted aquatic plant with long stems that lie just beneath the surface, floating scalloped leaves and distinctive yellow flowers. See more ideas about weed, weed identification, plants. If you see any of these plants, take note of the location and inform your local DOC office. It has escaped cultivation to grow wild along the Pacific Coast of North America as well as coastal areas of New Zealand and the United Kingdom. weeds commonly found in New Zealand lawns include catsear, dandelion, thistles, dichondra, chickweed, creeping oxalis, docks, daisy, fat-hen, pearlwort, speedwells and hydrocotlye. However docks can adapt to mowing. As with many weeds, the leaves that grow from the base of the plant are better for telling the docks apart than those up the flower stems, which aren’t always the typical shape. Family: Poaceae (grass) More... African lovegrass . esculentum (Forst.) Dandelion seeds are like parachutes that fly away in the wind—they're the plants that you would blow on and "make a wish" when you were younger. It is often found in dams, ponds, drains, lakes and some slow moving waterways. Although Docks are common weeds of pastures and garden areas they are seldom associated with turf because they are so large. Distinguished from other pondweeds by leaf bases that enclose the stem. Publication or other use of images or descriptive text on these pages is … Most weeds integrate well with other plants in a new ecosystem, but some species become invasive, crowding out native plants. The Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) shown here is one of my favorite wild edibles, but the prickly brambles grow into impenetrable thickets along the Pacific Coast of the United States, and they were prolific all around New Zealand. These grow as rosettes, with leaves … Ian Popay, Paul Champion, Trevor James (2010) ISBN 978-0-473-16285-6. Common garden weed, spur valerian, wreaking havoc on native vegetation in Lyttelton Harbour. Its recent discovery in Lake Waikaremoana is cause for concern and there is an eradication programme currently in place. Famously known as the poison which killed Socrates, hemlock is alive and living in New Zealand, and is still capable of causing death or at least birth defects in pregnant animals which eat the foliage. Broad-leafed docks (Rumex obtusifolius) grow prolifically throughout New Zealand. Common weeds that are shrubs include: barberry, gorse, heather, broom and buddleja. Senecio species: Ragwort. Clover and Onehunga weeds are also considered broadleaf weeds. It can rapidly colonise and cover shallow water, displacing and shading native vegetation and restricting water flow. Leaves straight, 2-3 cm wide, up to 2.5 m long, stout midrib, papery, harsh, dull greygreen, taper to point, rustle loudly in wind. It forms dense beds of vegetation which can displace other submerged plants and block dams and waterways. Our pest search website has photos and descriptions of all pests in Auckland. The fruits of docks, once they have matured, are about 2-3 mm across and are often also used to tell dock species apart. Lagarosiphon can be distinguished from other oxygen weeds as its leaves have a distinctive downward curl. The roots are dark in colour and can reach 2.5 m in length. Lodgepole pines (Pinus contorta) are native to my home state of Montana, but they have been grown for timber in New Zealand, and they are often considered an invasive species, crowding out native New Zealand trees. 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